Who we are?

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AkhbarMeter Team
Our History
khbarMeter (MediaMeter) is one of the first dynamic digital media observatories in Egypt and the world, which rank news agencies according to their adherence to ethical and processional media standards. AkhbarMeter, is a youth-led initiative developed by Egyptians. The initiative started on a voluntary basis in 2014 and officially in 2018. It is an attempt to response to increasing use of media to manipulate the public and polarize society.
We monitor
khbarMeter (MediaMeter) monitors and assesses the truthfulness and professionalism of the top ten online news websites in Egypt based on Similar Web rankings. Our reviewers select and evaluate articles from the political or economic sections of each news outlet based on their importance to the Egyptian readers. Reviewers assess each article based on several methodological questions developed in consultation with various international fact-checking experts that fall under three broad categories of professionalism, manipulation and human rights violations.
We review
Specific questions include whether the article conceals information, contains false information, uses photos to manipulate facts, cites sources representing different views, reflects bias by the author, contains hate speech, negatively profiles members of certain groups, and more. Assessed articles are posted on the website (https://akhbarmeter.org/) along with responses to the questions described above. Each reviewed article is marked with an icon that provides a score out of 100% on how professional and truthful it is. If the article contains false or misinformation, the icon is marked accordingly to warn reader s. Our staff often contact authors of reviewed articles to give them a chance to respond to the evaluation and offer to publish their responses on the article’s page on the website.
We assess
In addition to daily article reviews, AkhbarMeter (MediaMeter) conducts a monthly analysis of each media outlet performance based on the cumulative articles reviewed and a monthly score for each media outlet will be generated automatically. Finally, we publish three one-page articles per month with deeper analysis on critical news items. The assessments are also circulated through its social media networks for a wide range of audience.
Awards Received
European Youth Award
Digital Participation Summit
Alexandria Media Forum
Tahrir Lounge
Macedonia Media Fact Checking
Featured In
Ich mag meine uni
Willy Brandt School
Commitment Award
Daily News Egypt
Macedonia Media Fact Checking
Support the project now!

We need your help to stay independent and to produce more videos and learning materials that would benefit journalists and media consumers. Our project cannot continue without your support. We would appreciate every cent you pay because this could help us become sustainable

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